Thursday, February 24, 2011


One of my new blog categories is going to be labeled as 'haul'. This is basically where I show you what I bought recently and where I bought it; focusing on art supplies, pet related items and just really great deals you might be interested in. Having said that...

I admit it, I love Borders. I love the smaller local bookstores too and try to hit them as often as possible. However, Borders is the perfect place for some items not available anywhere else. Like Paperchase goodies. Dont get me started on Paperchase. LOVE THEM. Anyway, last week I headed to Borders with just my borders card and coupon. Look what I got for only $6.20!Each of the books above were less than a$1! I had to do some scouring but I found some great gems. A paper play family kit for my niece from MoMA as well as a doodle book I had wanted to get her. The other two books are for me :) And because I had a coupon and a borders membership card, I got the Paperchase watercolor set I had been eyeing. The brush that comes with it is crap but for just over $2, I could not pass up the gorgeous colors.

I also had a rare coupon to Boutilliers Art Center (thanks, Mom!) and since I was already on Church Street, I picked up a portable watercolor pad. So the fun little pairing you see below only cost me a little over $8 and will provide me with hours of lunch time distraction at the day job as well as (possibly) 12 pieces of artwork!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

late nights and full tables

This is usually a slower time of year for me. Not so this year! I am very thankful and extremely happy. I am crazy busy and my tables are full of completed pieces. WOOHOO!! I am so excited. The last couple weeks have been full of very late nights. Regular, but unexpected, life things pop up and take time but I have spent hours lately finally putting brush to canvas and oil pencil to paper. I have been taking lots of (poor quality-sorry) pictures and I look forward to sharing but for now, hopefully a pic of sweet BrownDog (aka Gracie) will do. Most of the new items on my tables will be sent off to their new homes this weekened and early next week. By Sunday I will be able to post some pictures without ruining any surprises.

Also, I am doing some early Spring cleaning in my little home studios. I have lots of art and craft items as well as paper products and books. I have been posting them on Craigslist but if anyone is in need or if anyone is interested please just drop me an email. I can share the details of what I have before I place it on CL. My next post is all art books, sketchbooks and paper.

Now as promised, Miss Gracie! Sleeping on her (very own) love seat. Gracie is my parents dog and the sweetest most gentle giant you will ever meet. Dont let the teeth fool! You can not tell from these pics but she has the most gorgeous green eyes.
Nighty night for now.

Monday, February 07, 2011


I have a lot to post but I wanted to start by sharing a little love. I have lots of new YellowDog cards and stickers and even a handful of new little moleskines. In celebration of the upcoming holiday I both love and hate..heehee.....I am offering a sale on all of my YellowDog paper goods. And hell, lets put the last painting I have in my possession (that is not spoken for) on sale as well!!
So for this week the following sales (!!) apply:
STICKERS = 4/$14!! Below you see my newest stickers but the sale applies for all of them.

CARDS = 3/$14! Same as the stickers...below you will see some of my newest cards but the sale applies to all cards (not just the Valentiney ones).

This is the only painting I have that is not spoken for. It was originally $125. It is acrylic on a 12" x 48" gallery wrapped canvas. It is ready to hang! It doesnt really work for any of the projects I have coming up so I thought I would put it up here on sale in case I can spread some more holiday love. If it doesnt sell, I love the size and colors so much I have a place on my own wall that it might be calling home soon....

I also have new moleskines, notebooks, note boxes, chalkboards and containers. More pictures to come soon but for now here is a peak at the slightly seasonal moleskines (I might have trouble parting with these!):

So lets hope this takes the sting out of all that shoveling (who am I kidding?!?!?). Drop me an email if you would like to check out any of the new items or sale items. I try to give as much as I can to the Chittenden County Humane Society but this weeks proceeds are actually going to sweet Missy! Missy is my own little four legged house wrecker. She will be visiting Dr. Millie Armstrong very soon. But shhh....lets not tell her just yet...Im afraid I will wake up with a mouse head in my bed ;)