I admit it, I love Borders. I love the smaller local bookstores too and try to hit them as often as possible. However, Borders is the perfect place for some items not available anywhere else. Like Paperchase goodies. Dont get me started on Paperchase. LOVE THEM. Anyway, last week I headed to Borders with just my borders card and coupon. Look what I got for only $6.20!Each of the books above were less than a$1! I had to do some scouring but I found some great gems. A paper play family kit for my niece from MoMA as well as a doodle book I had wanted to get her. The other two books are for me :) And because I had a coupon and a borders membership card, I got the Paperchase watercolor set I had been eyeing. The brush that comes with it is crap but for just over $2, I could not pass up the gorgeous colors.
I also had a rare coupon to Boutilliers Art Center (thanks, Mom!) and since I was already on Church Street, I picked up a portable watercolor pad. So the fun little pairing you see below only cost me a little over $8 and will provide me with hours of lunch time distraction at the day job as well as (possibly) 12 pieces of artwork!