Sunday, December 13, 2009


So the holiday shows are over and I have packed and unpacked my truck several times lately. And I have several large pieces that I would love to find new homes for. I do not want to store any large canvases! I want to clear out some space and motivate myself to create some very new pieces. Soooo...lets help each other, shall we?!?! I want to make my affordable art even MORE AFFORDABLE and in return, I get some space in my downstairs studio. yummy space...something an artist always needs more of.

The pieces below are for sale for new super low prices...pretty much the cost of the canvases. So get someone the gift of art for the holidays or even just treat yourself! It will be first come, first serve so drop me an email ( quick if you have any questions. These are large pieces and shipping would be ~$150; I will ship if necessary but I am really hoping for pick up/local delivery only.

First up: DREAMING

This piece was originally $300. It is now on sale for $75. It is 36"x48". This was one of my favorites so I want it to find a good home.

Next up: FRISBEE?

This piece was originally $250 but is now also on sale for $75! This piece was done on a very cool 36"x36" square canvas. The square canvases are a little more expensive but I love the look of them.

Next: BALL?
This piece is also a cool 36"x36" square canvas and was intentionally made as a great match with FRISBEE? up above. It was also originally $250 and is now on sale for $75!

And the final holiday bargain: TULIP FIELD
This piece is 36"x48" with GORGEOUS COLORS! It was originally $250 but is now on sale for $50! Yup, $50. I got the canvas on sale so it is even cheaper for you.
All pieces are on gallery wrapped canvas and ready to hang.
So if you are interested in any of these pieces drop me an email at and lets chat!
I have seen other artists offer to make trades for art when really trying to open up studio space so I am willing to try that here. I have to admit, I am pretty picky about trades because I am really looking to free up space in my home and studios so please dont be offended if I am not open to all offers! But it is the holidays and I an open to giving it a try!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


OK, I really gotta go paint and I have one unbelievably exhausted dog so this is going to be quick. It was gorgeous out today! Chilly but beautiful. It is November for crying out loud and so far I have to fall on my ass due to a stray ice patch. *knock on wood*

The front tip of my poor dirty neglected kayak. It is November and I vow to change that.
Look at the pretty pretty water. ..

And the pretty pretty shoreline? Kind of gray at this point. But still....

In a little over a week I will be at the UVM Holiday sale. When not painting and the weather forces me inside, I still need to stay sane and busy so I work on other projects. Well, I used to. All of those other little goodies that most of you look for at the UVM sale will be on sale--as in cheap! I need to clean out some of my stock so I can move on to other things.

Time to paint...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Where and when to get your holiday goodies

It has been so long since I posted on here that I forgot my username! Terrible *shamed shake of head* Things have been crazy. I will spare you all. And by 'you all' I mean the few people that might still be checking in here since I became a huge blogging slacker.

I have lots of new goodies so although I am only doing two shows this holiday season, I hope you can stop by and say hello. My first show will be at the UVM Holiday Show on December 3rd in the Davis Center. Tell everyone you know! There are lots of cool goodies and very nice people but almost NO advertising. Take advantage of this. Have a casual look at lots of good stuff without the holiday crowds and then even hit some UVM stores in the DC while you are there.

My second show is a new show that I am very excited to be part of. I will post more info when I know but for now I can tell you that it will be for pet lovers, for those that want cool original gift ideas for pet lovers and those that just want to help support the homeless animals in the area. It will be at Play Dog Play on Pine Street on Saturday, December 12th. There will be amazing items on display (and sale!) as well as official pet portraits being taken right there on site.

I will have new items at each show so stop by, say hello and meet some of my friends. Check back soon for some pictures of my newest pieces as well as more info on the upcoming events and even where to find some of these new things out around the area.

Monday, September 14, 2009


This was my first Art Hop and it was a blast. I was a little stressed to get everything done but I was more stressed by Saturdays weather. We held out and ended up having a great Friday evening and an excellent Saturday.

I met some super people and got to listen to some excellent music. I am HUGE music fan and an even bigger live music fan. I heard Marty Power play for the first time and cant figure out how I had never heard of this guy??!! Things were too crazy for me to mingle too much but I got to observe and listen to Marty and found my new favorite local musician. He seems like a super nice guy and I could have listened to him all weekend. Saturday ended with the public debut of the Haymakers. They were great as well. It was there first outside-the-garage- performance and they played only original stuff. Gutsy and worth it I think. Good job guys!

Now some pics! I was too busy to pull my camera out after the event started but at least I caught a few images of the mural and the artwork on display.

Above you see Poco, Uli, Roscoe, Brian and Yazzy.

Here you see Mickey and friends. I couldnt resist the cute butt angle.

Above you see Lucy and her favorite (slightly torn) red sweatshirt. Too cute!

My display of smaller items. They were the big hit this show. Luckily I love making these items. They are all original pieces of art but not all paintings. It makes for a nice break but still allows me to be productive and play around a little with color without having to bust out all the paint!

The first corner of the open show area.

Here is the furthest wall of the open show area. I liked this wall a lot. I think Masha and Ryan had a great idea to display the pieces all along the fencing.

Above is the last wall of the display area as you are about to exit the area. It was a grouping of the pieces that didnt really match with all the others and it was kind of a last minute move. Another artist was expected but he never showed. He dropped some stuff off a week or so ago so they put it up but he never made an appearance. The guy missed out!
I had a great time and I am super thankful that Masha and Ryan invited me to join them. I would love to do it again! I now know what to expect and I had some great ideas on how to make it all smoother (on my end ofcourse) and new things I would love to display. Thank you to everyone that stopped by! Drop me an email and let me know what you thought of the show; I would love to hear from you!

Monday, September 07, 2009

Great painting weather

So I might be a little under the weather but the actual weather is perfect for working on my mural at Play Dog Play. Below is sample of what you will see if you stop in this weekend. Not the best pic but you get the idea!

The above image shows about eight feet of the 97 foot wall. So stop by Play Dog Play this coming Friday night or Saturday and check out the other 89 feet of YellowDog Art! Food, drink, live music, pups and art....what more could you want?? Oh, I know! Nice weather so it can be outside! Well, so far so good. Keep your fingers crossed.

Saturday, September 05, 2009


There is less than a week before the South End Art Hop. Less than a week!! Thank you Mother Nature *knock on wood* for the recent beautiful weather; it has really made catching up on the mural possible. I put in a solid 6 hours today and it felt great. I havent felt 100% lately but I finally got some black lines on the wall for definition and Im feeling much much better. My paintings for the Art Hop are almost all done. I have actually kept up on those all along.

I also have some new items to show at the Art Hop. Some Mail Art and the newest of new, cards! Both are on recycled products and each and every little piece is original art. No prints! Oh, and Moleskines! Who doesnt love a good Moleskine journal?! Now you can have original artwork on your Moleskine. They make for excellent gifts. Stop by Play Dog Play on Pine Street Friday night or Saturday, say hello and let me know what you think. There will be drinks, food and live music. If weather permits, we will be outside and your canine friends are more than welcome.

Blogger isnt letting me upload anything right now so I will try again tomorrow to give you a little look at what I worked on today. Even better, check out the Art Hop next weekend; I cant wait to see everyone!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sunday was NOT a day of rest

I have been trying to post since last Sunday but Blogger wasnt allowing me to upload pictures. Hopefully better late than never!
The wonderful people at Play Dog Play asked me if I could do a couple signs for their fine establishment. When i met Masha at Play Dog Play for the first time, I was incredibly impressed. This is a very cool, very clean and very dog friendly place. You MUST check them out. Seriously, go now and come back and finish reading this later!
Masha also asked if I would be interested in taking part in this years South End Art Hop. I had always wondered about how someone went about taking part in that event so I jumped on her offer to host my work. And then she had one final surprise. She brought me outside to show me a blank canvas. A 12' x 95' wall in need of some artwork. Yup 12' x 95'!!! Check out what it looked like that first day:

Big, huh?! I couldnt say no. The wall had been sealed so first came the priming. Thanks to some major help, in about three hours we covered most of the wall with primer. Did I mention it 94 degrees that day?!?! We ran out of primer and neither my helper nor myself could reach the upper most corner even on ladders so that had to wait until next time. I forgot to take pictures of the primer stage. *sorry* You arent missing much.

Then after the realization I was not going to be able to tackle the last of the priming and the base coat of blue myself, my very busy but very very sweet brother, Randy, came to my rescue. Sorry ladies, he wouldnt let me take pics of him. My niece Sydney joined us and she kicked butt!! She can help anytime. It was in the 90s that day as well but this is what we ended with:

You cant really see beautiful the blue is in this pic but the important part is the wall is now fully covered, top to bottom, with the base coat. Oh, I forgot to mention the tons of other helpers we had all along the way:

Daddy long legs. LOTS of them. When we were priming, it was like they were falling out of the trees above us to see what was going on. While doing the base coat of blue, we didnt see as many but we saw enough. We did our best to not give them a base coat. We were partially successful. I have just decided to spare you the pics of the ones that didnt make it out of the way of our rollers.

Ok, NOW to the happenings of this past Sunday. I headed over in the ate morning to work on the grass. I thought it would be quick an easy but with the temps hitting 108 degrees near the wall, it took me longer than I planned. It is hard when your paint gets to the consistency of glue! But here is the final result and some of the company I had that day:

Oh, and how could I forget?? Here was my bestest buddy on Sunday. Meet Gus:

You cant tell by the pic but Gus is HUGE. He was the first dog to greet me that day and he reminded me very quickly that you should always greet a dog with your mouth closed. I know. Ew. But I never expected this big guy to raise up to be face to face with me to eagerly and so easily. I know, I am an idiot. But cute, huh!?!?

After a yummy milk shake from Champlain Chocolates and some very yummy (so I guess) treats from Pupkat Bakery for Jackson courtesy of Masha, I dragged my tired hot butt home. I unloaded some stuff from the truck and hung with Jack while he ate his treats but then I had to hit the showers.

I could not cool off or relax so I shut out the lights (you cant tell from the pic but it was really dark in there) and resorted to candles. I cant believe I am admitting this but sometimes I am a bit girly I guess. Anyway, then i realized I was starving and there were some booty from the Farmer's Market waiting for me.

My favorite; cucumbers, radishes, cucumbers, baby carrots, cucumbers, Cabot cheddar and did I mention, cucumbers? I added a glass of tea and it was all good. Consider the above the 'before' pic. And here is the 'after':

Yum. Nuff' said 'bout that.
And then I tried typing this blog entry. Blogger just wouldnt accept my pics. I was getting upset and glanced out my window to see this:

If you really look behind the tree in the center of the picture you will see a hot air balloon. NOT a common sight in my neighborhood. The pic stinks because I stood there in awe that a hot air balloon was floating down my little back street so close I could see the and hear the people very very clearly. Then I ran to the camera but the card was in the card reader trying to upload to Blogger. By the time I got back to the window this is all I could get as they were heading to safer areas. Crazy! Im easily amused.
As long as Blogger and I can learn to play nice, I will have lots of new stuff to show you. Mark September 11th and 12th on your calendars!! I hope to see you at Play Dog Play for the South End Art Hop!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


New paintings, new pics, new projects, new shows, new mediums!
I just wanted to post a quick hello and let you know there are many new things to come very very soon!

For now, mark September 11th and 12th on your calendars. I will be at Play Dog Play for the South End Art Hop. If weather permits we will have an outdoor show with live music, food and ofcourse, lots of new art. BIG new art! Sneak peeks coming soon...

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Chris Conn from Cafe invited me to fill his walls with new work. I jumped at the chance and made almost all new pieces for display. Here are a few quick pics I took just before leaving the day I did the first full installation. I have been back a couple times as pieces have sold and I needed to do some swap outs. It has been fun and everyone I have met through this has been great. Please excuse the quality of the pics. I happen to take them at a time when the sun was bursting through the windows. It is Vermont so I am not going to complain about the ...even if it did ruin my shots!

The above pieces are the only pieces that were not painted just for this event. Oldies but goodies. 'Rabbit Ears' is no longer available but if you are interested, I dont do prints but I do make 're makes' or 'do overs' as I call them of my most popular pieces. I can make one to fit your size and color needs. I can also make one with cats instead of dogs!

I LOVE the colors on this one. The background color is much brighter and bolder than it appears in my terrible digital image here.

The pieces above are three new pieces from my Twilight series. They are available separately but if you are interested in all three, I will give you a SUPER deal!

I like the background color on this one much better in person too. I stink at taking digital pics!

This one is a biggie. It is 36" x 48" and is on sale! Contact me for more info.

This piece is titled 'Bad Boy'. You cant see it great in this pic but that is a little heart shaped tattoo on his arm. Err, I mean, leg.

Monday, July 20, 2009

More pics from the HSCC Walk and more news!

Here are some more pics from the HSCC Walk for the Animals this past June. What a blast. Prefect weather, friendly people, super hero HSCC staff assistance...what more could I ask for?! Even the scary storm that scared us to end very quickly just gave me motivation to pick up fast and get home.

Above you see my humble set up. I went for fewer super huge pieces and focused on lots of cute little guys as well as some new media. The little 3" x 5" paintings were the biggest hit and I have to admit I love them too!

Here is a pic of my newest huge piece. This piece is called Tulip Field, 48" x 36" and still available for $175. It is currently up and part of a show but email me if you are interested at!

Above is a sample of my newest media. These are 100% recycled Kraft colored mailing envelopes. I used oil pencils and created what I call Mail Art! These were popular too at only $3.00 for a piece of original artwork to keep or send to a friend! I had a ton of fun making these! If you are interested in seeing more or having a quick custom envelopes made, email me!
Ahhhhh, I might sound like a dork but I am crushin' on these. These are moleskine pocket journals with original art done in oil pencils. I hate to get rid of these but I bought more to work on to soften the blow.

As any of my readers know, my digital picture taking skills are not always so hot. Above is a small sample of my newest 3" x 5" pieces. I think the little easels really help with the cute factor. Most of these sold but I do have a few left as well as a few in the works so contact me if you would like to check out what I have available.

A couple more of the 3" x 5" pieces. I can see 8 more little canvases from where I am sitting just waiting for me to tackle them.
In other news...
I am currently displaying lots of work at on Pine Street. Specifically in their Cafe. With a special reference from the always kind Cecilia, Chris Conn was kind enough to give me a call and has allowed me to fill the walls of his Cafe. I filled the place with all new pieces!! Oh ok, a couple were not brand spanking new but MOST of them are. The people at have been so nice and receptive of my work. I am having trouble keeping the walls full! Pics of these new pieces tomorrow.
I got some very very good personal news this evening so I think I might be able to breathe easily and maybe even sleep for the first time in a couple months. I wish all of my readers the same wonderful feeling....

Sunday, July 19, 2009

News , news and more news!

I have been terrible about blogging. Anyone that knows me or has tried to follow this blog in the past knows that is par for the course with me. But I have so much stuff going on I have to post!
The HSCC Walk for the Animals was this past June. BJ and Katey and company were kind enough to invite me again. I tried my hand at some tshirts!
The image above is the sample image. The shirts were a super cool green and blue. You will see them on people in later pictures. Looks for new tshirts next year!

The HSCC asked for some signs so I gave them signs!
Unfortunately I did not get a picture of my favorite sign which was for the water station. I will try to visit the HSCC and get some pics of a couple signs I missed over the years soon. The signs were both harder and easier than I thought. They were a ton of work but so much fun! You will see more signs in the future too!
The Walk was amazing. The weather was great, there were tons of wonderful people, so many people stopped by, my Mom came to help (thank you so much, Mom!) and ofcourse there was a lot of four legged inspiration. I will post many pics of the walk soon.
At the Walk I met Masha pf Play Dog Play. A relatively new business lcoated on Pine Street. Check out their web site ( or stop by. It is a very nice place with excellent service offerings as well as pet food, pet treats, toys and all kinds of good stuff. Masha was kind enough to ask me to make some signs for Play Dog Play. They are a project in prgoress but I will show you pics when they are done. Masha also surprised me and offered to host my work at the years South End Art Hop. Isnt that amazingly nice!!? Im am very very excited. There will be a huge surprise so defintiely stop by September 11th or 12th. When I say huge I mean HUGE.
More news in my next post. Cant give it all away at once!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I just wanted to drop a quick hello to all the people I met at last weekends Walk for the Animals. ONce again it was a very successful walk. Thank you so much to everyone and I hope to work out my issues with with Blogger and get some of the many pics from Sunday online asap. This is actually serving as a test upload so wish me luck!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

quickie post

I realized it had been a while since my last post so here is a quickie update for those that have not given up on me!

I am working on four commissioned pieces right now and I will be posting pics of them soon. Not before the new owners get to see them ofcourse but soon! I am working on a few other things including some fun stuff for the HSCC. Their Walk for Animals is in June and promises to be even bigger and better than last year with live music and a huge BBQ! I will post more details soon so you can stop by and say hello.

So check back in for details of upcoming fun and some pics!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Cleaning

It is sooo nice to see the sun. It is still chilly here but this is really my favorite weather. Wish me luck getting outside to enjoy this gorgeous weather!

Today has been spent cleaning. REALLY cleaning. I kind of like cleaning. Ok, honestly, I love cleaning. Unfortunately this does not mean my home is the cleanest place in town. There seems to always be something that can be cleaned more. Anyway, spring cleaning means more paintings for sale!

This piece is titled 'Scottie'. I wish i could take better digital pictures; this image does not do the piece justice. The red background is gorgeous and really makes the pup pop on the canvas. This piece was originally $80 but is now on sale for $40! Contact me at if you are interested. See other paintings on sale in posts below.

Thanks for visiting. Enjoy the weather!
YellowDog and I are heading outside again very very soon.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

YellowDog being sooo YellowDog

I am doing a little work on the computer this evening and I had to snap a quick picture of the view to my left:

Jackson truly believes it is his job to be by my side at all times so by the end of the weekend, he is friggin exhausted. He is such an amazing companion. I hope he feels the same about me! Before you think I am terrible to make him sleep on the hard wood floor, check out the picture below. This is Jackson and his relation to the super soft no skid carpet my Mother bought for him. Little booger.

He actually sleeps on this rug most of the time he is in the little studio with me. Tonight he is just really ready for bed so the later it gets, the closer he gets to me. Im ok with that. I actually have these rugs all over the house. Jackson does not love the wood floors at all so I have them placed throughout the house in what I hope looks like intentional and tasteful house decor. If not, well, anything for him. I guess I need to get off the pc and go cuddle with him on the couch. Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Hope you all had a great weekend.

Friday, March 06, 2009

random happenings and a reminder

I can not believe I forgot to mention how YellowDog and I brought int he New Year! He was made the Star of the Clinic! YellowDog loves going to the vet. Yup, thats what I said. The wonderful women at our vets office are all so good to him and he loves the ladies. Here is the adorable collage they put together for him and placed on their wall.

And for Christmas, I made my Mother a last minute snowman for her mantle. She is all about the cute. Well what is cuter than a handmade snowman? MANY handmade snowmen. Below you see our work in progress. A forest of polymer clay carrot snowman noses to be! Odd looking, huh?

And finally, the SALE CONTINUES! I am giving away a number of paintings not listed on here but some of the paintings below are still available. Contact me at if you are interested!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Did I mention...the SALE IS ON!

I really want to clean out my space. I NEED to clean out my space! So on to the next painting for sale (see others below)...

His Highness

Admit it. Your pets rule the house. This piece is in royal shades of purple with a very metallic gold crown. So fitting! This piece was originally $80 but being that I am sitting at home on a Saturday night, Im trying to spread some cheer and it is now on sale for $35! Let me know if you are interested by dropping me an email at

Friday, February 27, 2009

the SALE continues!

Go For a Walk?

This is sooo YellowDog. This piece is 20"x30" and was originally priced $120. It is ON SALE FOR $55! And this is one of the last pieces being added to the sale. I hope you like it!
Contact me at if you are interested in any of the pieces currently on sale.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Yes, ANOTHER painting for SALE!!

Play Ball?

This piece is similar in color, size and theme to the painting in yesterday's post. It too is 36" x 36". It was originally $250 but is now ON SALE FOR $125! The third painting I mentioned in my last post is no longer available but these two pieces look so good together, if you are interested in giving both of them a new home, I will give you an even bigger deal and sell them both for $200! Get a great deal at a tough economic time and help me clean out some space in my teeny tiny house!

Monday, February 23, 2009

The SALE continues...

This one makes me think of my parents chocolate lab, Gracie. This piece is one of three paintings I did in similar color, size and theme. The others will be listed soon....

This piece is titled 'Play Frisbee?' and measures 36" x 36". It is BIG but not too big and I just love the square canvases! Originally it was $250 but it is now ON SALE FOR $125! Contact me at if you are interested!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I LOVE the color of this piece! The digital pic doesnt do it justice but it gives you an idea.

This piece is titled 'Rabbit Ears'. I did several remakes of this painting; all either much much larger or much much smaller but all different colors. I have a lot of fun with this idea. This piece was originally $120 but I would love to find it a good home and it is on sale for $60. Yup, only $60! Contact me at if you are interested and check out the other sales below....

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The SALE begins!

This is the first piece I am putting up for sale. This piece is 36" x 48" on gallery wrapped canvas so the painting goes all the way around the edges and is ready to hang. It is also very light weight which I find rare for a canvas of this size. This is one of my favorite pieces and just hung this on my own wall. But I have decided that maybe clearing things out and sending some pieces off to new homes will motivate me to paint more. This piece was originally $300. It is now on sale for $150!! If you live in the area, we can set up a pick up or drop off for free. If the piece needs to be mailed we can discuss shipping costs; I charge actual cost only so no worries about crazy handling fees. I accpet credit/debit cards via PayPal or checks and ofcourse cash. Drop me an email at if you are interested!