I am sittign in my upstairs studio trying to organize things so I will be ready on New Years Day to spend the entire day just painting. Or something. Anything creative! I have been so wrapped up in art shows and holiday bazzars that my entire house has become a mess and I couldnt find a free inch of space to do anything if I wanted to. I decided to reorganize my downstairs studio and make that the primary location for supplies. Im an addict when it comes to art and craft supplies. I admit it. It has been nice to have everything I need close by up here in my small studio but it has gotten to the point that I have no free table space. I am going to bring as much stuff downstairs as possible and try again. exciting to read about Im sure.
I have been away from Blogger for quite some time. Blogger just had so many problems with up loading pictures and I just hated the idea of typing out another entry only to have it disppear while posting. It has been so long since my last post that I had to go through a summary of all the changes and set up a gmail account. I suck. I USED to suck. Im going to try to be better. I know, I know. You can read through my blog and see how many times I have said that but lets try it again, shall we? I wont attempt a picture today but maybe in a couple days I will post some of my newly cleaned studios.
Wish me luck! Happy Holidays!