Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Is it possible to be someones friend when they really arent a friend to you? I guess that is a silly question, ofcourse its possible. Healthy on the other heand...not so much.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

One more try. The last photo was an oldie (but a goodie). This is one of my newer paintings. Not NEW new but newer than the others on my site. I thought this might be a good way to give you a sneak peek....

(ok, so I need to figure out how to make the image slightly smaller; afterall, the man on the moon doesnt need to see it. Well...?)
This is a test. Lets see how easy (or hard) it is to post an image in my blog....

I was venting to a friend the other day how rude a person was. I was explaining how some people are just complete asses. In the middle of my calm, yet serious venting, some woman rudely interrupted us and started being a total ass to my friend. I dont know if we were tired or if it was the pure irony of the situation that stunned us silent but we both were in disbelief. Then we snapped into kill 'em with kindness mode (which I like to call being the bigger person). Well, long story short the woman didnt get the hint she needed to collect herself so we put her in her place. *PHEW* Mean people are such a pain. Mean people are such an annoyance. Mean people suck. Hey, I like that....MEAN PEOPLE SUCK! Yeah, thats good. I should put that on a bumper sticker....

Monday, April 19, 2004

At this very moment I should be working. Yup, I should in no way be typing a Blog. I have sooooo much to do but I just can not focus. Im pooped from the past few months and my new office window taunts me with the GORGEOUS weather. Its sunny and almost 80 degrees--a rarity for an April day in Vermont. Well, I actually do remember a few April days in the 90s a few years ago. Blah blah blah...I cant believe I am writing about the weather. I should be at home and playing outside with Jackson......

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

YAHOOOO! I finally SUCCESSFULLY made a change to my web site on my own! I know, I am pathetic. But man, am I excited! My next task is to get a direct link on my site to this Blog...wish me luck!